If you are looking for a great little program for use in mixing your vape juices, you’ve found it!

The Trial Version of E-Mix is actually the Full Version, with the exception that at the end of the Trial period, you’ll need to decide if you’d like to purchase the full version, or uninstall it. (I do believe you will want to spend the $12.50 – it’s worth every penny!)

The 30 Day Trial program download of E-Mix is available further down the page.

E-Mix has been tested and runs fine on Windows 10 and Windows 7. (You can also dig out that old XP that your wife told you to get rid of, and make it your “Mixing Station”!)

What are some of the reason you should try out

  • Simple, Small installation on Windows machines. The install file is under 4 mb in size.
  • You have the ability to save your mixes in a format that can be read by any word processor.
  • The program can actually create labels that you can put on your mixed bottles.
  • Add and Remove flavors that you have purchased, with the ability to export that list to a file at any time.
  • E-Mix will give you your cost per mix on the fly. If you don’t want to do this, you can turn off cost calculations.
  • There’s a separate box for adding notes to each recipe mix that you make.
  • You can Name and Date each mix file, and you can change the Date format to one that you like.
  • The form is sizeable, in case you are running another program while mixing.
  • There are no calculations that you have to make ….. E-Mix does it all for you!
  • Everything you need to mix your recipe is all on one screen.
  • E-Mix includes an in-depth help file should you need it.

Before you download E-Mix, you may want to look over the full details of how the program works by downloading it’s pdf help file here. (The pdf will also be available in E-Mix once you’ve installed the program). It has all the information in it to get you up and running.

 Click on Image to enlarge  

Buying E-Mix after the no-cost Trial:

After you have tried the full version for 30 days for free, you can then purchase the E-Mix program for creating your own ejuices if you decide you like it.

To purchase, follow the instructions right in the E-Mix program and/or in the pdf help file, or you can click on the Buy Now button below.

Once your payment has been received, we will email your License Key to you.

If you have any questions either before or after your purchase, please contact me here.

Latest Version E-Mix V1.0.6 Trial Program Install HERE

Running an older Version? Update from V1.0.5 to V1.0.6 HERE
Older E-Mix V1.0.5 Trial Program Install  HERE

E-Mix Program Updates History

Update and Release of E-Mix V1.0.6, 05 March 2023
1) Inserted Current Version info below logo.
2) Fixed some Date formatting. Added International Date as an option.
3) Added scrollbars to the screen for ease of use on various screen sizes.
4) Changing to and from Precision Numbers in Percentages of flavors had required a restart of E-Mix. That has been changed, and a restart is no longer required.
5) User can now set and save the Font Size and Font style for Recipes and the Ejuice Mix Preview box. These Font settings are saved in the Program data file, and can be changed by the user on the fly.

Version History
20 Feb 2023
Initial Release of E-Mix V1.0.5
Check back to this site for updates that may become available.
