KODI Box Operation …. This is MY setup… yours may differ! …. 04Feb2018, Keith
Open Android TV Box on the HDMI Port it is plugged into.
- Turn on the TV using the Remote that came with the Kodi Box – (Blue Box, Rectangular, top LEFT of remote)
- Turn on the Kodi Box: It’s the RED button on the Kodi remote.
- SOUND PROBS: Make sure under Kodi Box Settings, that the sound setup says PCM. Also try Function-F12.
MOVIES: Open Kodi (the blue & Hot Pink logo), Open Video, Open Specto. Search for what you want on Specto, whether it’s a movie, a TV show, or whatever.
SAVING A SuperFavorite:
DON’T BOTHER TRYING TO FIND the Kodi Favorites. Use SuperFavorites instead:
Adding to SuperFavorites: Hit C on the mini wireless keyboard, or F5 (which I added as a HotKey)
You can now either “Add to SuperFavorites” (which is an app I installed) OR
Scroll down to “Standard Context Menu”, then “Add To Favorites”
Your Show, Series, or Movie is now in either Favorites, or SuperFavorites.
To EDIT, Rename, or DELETE a SuperFavorite, hover over item and Press “C” to see the full editing menu.
Viewing SuperFavorites:
Hit C on the mini wireless keyboard, or F5 (which I added as a HotKey). Choose the Favorite from Keith Favorites, and double click. That’s it!
Other Tidbits:
To go to the Homepage of the TV Box, hit the Home sign on the mini keyboard.
If you go away from the TV for a while, it will go into a standby mode. Just hit the SpaceBar on the mini keyboard, and back she comes!
Primewire App is totally useless. Don’t bother with it.
To Listen to Radio (using TuneInRadio Pro app that I installed which I had for my phone and tablets):
See the Shortcut image for it on the Kodi screen. I added it from the Apps. (To ADD an App, you have to click on the + Sign, THEN SCROLL DOWN to see all of the Apps).
or Go to the Homepage of the TV Box. Then Click on “Settings”, Click on MyApps, Look through downloaded apps for TuneInRadio Pro.
Once you’ve found it, double click, and you are now ready to go. I have bookmarked Radio Paloma, which is my favorite! It’s German Schlager Musik.